Saturday, 4 January 2020

Kein Standard, Five

Today I will not give you snippet for snippet,
I will just tell you:
in 2:72 Gizeh1924, Bulaq1952, the Azhar Coran of the 1970s, all had a baseline hamza,
while Moroccans have alif+hamza, Tunisians (& Tripolitanians) dagger alif + hamza.
Both al-Ḥaddād (for Šamarlī) and ʿUṯmān Ṭaha (printed in Damascus, ar-Riyaḍ, Tehran, İstanbul) followed the Amiriyya.
Today all editions of al-Ḥaddad and ʿUṯmān Ṭaha have hamza on a dagger.
Did the King Fahd Complex bring about the change?
Yes, but they did not start it.
Dar al-Faiḥāʾ in Damascus brought it up.
Now it's standard in the Arab East.
The "revolution" took almost a hundred years: from 1890 to 1980.

BTW, when Hythem Sidky tweeted that the CE was "immensely popular" and "brought about a revolution", he did not know, what he said.
Had he spoken with the people of Egypt, he would know, that they
never took to the "Cairo Edition". Had he studied the developments of
printed maṣāḥif, he'd know that it was a slow process.
And: Egypt is not the Islamic World,
Syria followed in the 1970s, Iraq even later.
Africa partly due to Saudi gifts, Malaysia by government degree.
India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Turkey and their diasporas never.
If you read German ‒ else Brockett's Ph.D. thesis.

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Just as there is not ONE King Fu'ad Edition but seven different ones, as there is not THE Muṣṭafā Naẓīf Qadir­ġalī muṣḥaf , but two wri...