Wednesday, 11 December 2024

UT but not UT

I do not believe what is said or written.
I prefer to look for myself.
Here a page by ʿUṯmān Ṭaha OR they say:
wa-nāla šarafa kitāba­tihi al-ḫaṭāṭ ʿuṯmānu ṭāha suggest­ing that he wrote it,
but it is made with a open type font:
To remind you: UT0 is a true render­ing of KFE II on 604 ber­kenar pages with five minor mis­takes.
the two roundels in the sura title box are UT's invention, the in­forma­tion is in the KFE but not in separate roundels,
Madina elimina­tes them, the Syrian Auqāf Ministry Muṣ­ḥaf of about 2016 has them different­ly.
In 2:72, Madina and the Syrian ministry put the hamza on a dagger: a inven­tion in a Ḥafṣ muṣā­ḥaf ‒ neither in KFE nor in UT0 (or added by hand).
In the last (three) line(s): two of the mis­takes:
the Auqaf ministry has the fatha, in one of my UT0 copies the owner has added it;
the Auqaf ministry muṣ­ḥaf has the dagger, one of my copies has UT's alif;
the other early print has a dagger, but one sees the space where the alif was in UT's hand­written original (اصله)
So the modern Syrian print it neither UT0, nor UT1 (the first Madina ver­sion), but a muṣ­ḥaf set in UT's hand­writing on a com­puter.

Both the Ǧaʿfar Bey type of the Amīriyya and ʿUṯmān Ṭaha's writing are poor in stacked liga­tures, and never place harakāt before or after its letter. I call that "base­line oriented"; it is Nasḫ.
Hence some of the Egyptians who saw the muṣḥaf thought they had pictures of handwritten pages in their hands.
Therefore the phrase "he (al-Ḥusainī) wrote the book" was changed into "... wrote the model (اصله) of the book in his writing".
Almost seventy years later the expert translator and commentator Adel Theodor Khoury wrote in each of his eight volume commentary (1990-2001) that it included
den arabischen Original­text der offiziellen Ausgabe des Korans in der schönen osmani­schen Hand­schrift (emphasis added)
the original text in the official edition of the qurʾān in its beauti­ful Ottoman hand­writing
This is as grotesque as taking the set pages of the Syrian Auqāf Ministry muṣḥaf for hand­written.
Here a demonstration of its technical character:

And there UT edition that claim not to be by ʿUṯmān Ṭaha,
because Šiʿites so much abhor the three usur­pator khalifs, that they can bear that an Abu Bakr, ʿUmār or ʿUṯmān dis something positive



Just as there is not ONE King Fu'ad Edition but seven different ones, as there is not THE Muṣṭafā Naẓīf Qadir­ġalī muṣḥaf , but two wri...