Wednesday, 22 December 2021

LXXI ‒ Marijn van Putten

On the basis of some of the oldest manuscripts Marijn van Putten publishes a muṣḥaf that comes as close as possible to the ʿUṯmānic rasm ‒ not to be confused with the «ʿUṯmānic rasm», that is 300 years younger: de­viced by ad-Dānī.
I compare it with the common Maġri­bian/Anda­lusian/Egyp­tian rasm (in an edi­tion from Brunai) and the Indian one (in edition with 848 pages with 13 lines written by Ḫalīq (al-)Asadī):

Now, that you have seen what "good" edi­tions have made out of the old text, here the same from two "bad" edi­tions: Otto­man from 300 years ago (next to the old text), and Tur­kish from this cen­tury:
I prefer the "Indian" editions, but even Turkish (and Persian) editions are fine.

A.A.Brockett --- Warš

40 years ago Adrian Alan Brockett submitted his Ph.D. to the Uni­versi­ty of St.Andrews: Studies in Two Trans­missions of the Qurʾān . Now...