Friday 1 November 2024


There are two very different editions of the King Fuʾād Edition.
Although since 1952 the main text (pp.2‒827) is different to the text of 1951 and be­fore,
many experts are not aware of it, because it is the same type, the same page layout
(12 lines on 826 pages, with signs for ǧuz, ḥizb, saǧa­da and saktha on the margin);
there are almost thousand differences: mostly pauses and changes in the title boxes, only one clear mistake (7:137 kalima was with a knotted tāʾ; since 1952 it has an open one)
this was the 1924 text; here comes the corrected one:
there are differences between editions 1924‒51 and post-1952:
the only change in the qurʾānic text being الن or ين لن in 73:20,
there are changes in the twenty or so pages after p.827
One concerns the very first page after an-nās: is it paginat­ed (ا) or un­paginated
1952 ‒ with an added (ا):
is it about the King or about the king and his heir,
1924 AND 1952:
or is it empty (after 1952)
(plus: in the official Egyptian editions after 1952 it is counted although absent, the first page after the qur'anic text being ج , in private or foreign editions it is ا or 828);
there are two differences on page س : only the names of the only real editor, a šaiḫ, the man who initiated the project, a bey, and two effendis, teachers at the teachers training college, or four signets
and did Šaiḫ al-Ḥusainī al-Ḥaddād "write the book" or did he "write the origin of the book" i.e. the leaves which the type setters set.
I like the German word for aṣl: Vorlage, modell, template, literally: what was in front of the type setter when he worked.
There is a stupid mistake in the large 1952 print (which I call KFE IIa). The editors reprinted all the material of 1924: the dedi­ca­tion to the king, the information about the ʿUṯmānic maḥāṣif al-amṣār, the number­ing of verses, the dis­tin­guish­ing of Mekka and Madinan suras etc, the pause signs, the signatures of the four men mentioned, the im­pressum, infor­mation about the sett­ing and print­ing of the text.
While reprinting the first parts is fine, the original im­pres­sum should not have been re­peated (or be it in small, inform­ing the reader that that was stated in 1924) [as it is, some librar­ies took the 1924 im­pressum for the im­pressum of their copy],
and the signa­tures guaran­tee­ing the cor­rect­ness of the above is at the wrong place: Instead of being after the informations of 1924 it is after the text about the changes made in 1952, even after the im­pressum of 1952:
which lets people who did not know a thing about making a muṣ­ḥaf (the pro­fessors at the peda­go­gical college) or were dead (Šaiḫ al-Ḥusai­ni and Ḥifnī Bey) guarantee for an edition they had no idea about.
Which let to a second mis­take, one that makes the Amīriy­ya look stupid. They had given the ḫātima the pagina ف which would have been right after page س and an empty ع ‒
but after page ض makes one wonder whether they can not count or just do know the abjad.
This mistake could not happen in the small edition be­cause here the editors pass the changes 1924-1952 in silence.
Let me repeat: There are two major editions: KFE I and KFE II with almost thousand small dif­feren­ces.
There are KFE I a, b , c, d one after the other, because
‒ there is a correction: added اصله
two pages with signets instead of just the names
dedication mentioning the heir to the throne
a change in the qur'anic text: لن لن for الن

There are two KFE IIs: II a (big) and II b (small) both from 1953 on
plus the original (big) KFEII'52
only KFE'52 has the 1924 dedication to King Fuʾād,
the big ones have no sura-numbers in the table of suras, only names,
  but seven pages on changes to the 1924 edition,
plus a wrongly placed ḫātima: after the text about the 1952 edition,
  instead of where it originally stood); the small ones lack any information on the new edition,
  but have both names and numbers of suras in the table.

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There are two very different editions of the King Fuʾād Edition. Although since 1952 the main text (pp.2‒827) is different to the text of 1...