Sunday, 12 January 2020

the qurʾān ‒ a muṣḥaf

I am not too rigid, have no problem with "a copy of the qurʾān", "a printed qurʾān" or "ein Koranexemplar",
but there is a big difference between the qurʾān and a muṣḥaf.
The qurʾān is an (abstract) idea, a (performed) sound shape.
It's on the well-preserved tablet in heaven and fi ṣudūr an-nās/ in the hearts of believers.
A muṣḥaf is a concrete materialization between two covers, a codex.

This is a muṣḥaf:

These are not:

There is only one qurʾān.
One can even say, that there is only one umm al-kitāb,
from which the Hebrew Bibel, the New Testament and maybe other revealed books are imperfect transcriptions.
The point is not to confuse the perfect qurʾān and human materializations.

Catholics and Shiʿites think that fundamentalists mistake the "Authorized Version" and "muṣḥaf al-medina al-munawwara" for Verbum Dei resp. Kalām Allāh, while they believe that Verbum Dei is the Divine Logos Jesus Christ, the Acts and Words of God AND the Words and Acts of his Church ALL together.
Like Muslims thinks that God's Creation, God's Word and the Human Mind (created by God) can not be in absolute contradiction,
like Shi'ites believe that al-kitāb an-nāṭiq (Ahl al-Bait) and al-imām aṣ-ṣāmit (the Book) confirm each other, explain each other,
so Catholics think that the letters of the Bible need the Spirit to be understood, need the tradition of the Church to be translated to current conditions.
The belief in (multiple) hidden meanings behind the (apparent) truth, prevents Shi'ites and Sufis from overestimating the muṣḥaf of ʿUṯmān.

Islamic tradition, however, does distinguish between the (divinely) “authored Book,” labelled al-muṣḥaf ... and the Qur’ānic communication process, labelled al-qur’ān.
first in Oral Tradition, 25/1 (2010): 141-156, here: 143
later in Werner H. Kelber, Paula A. Sanders( eds.) Oral-Scribal Dimensions of Scripture, Piety, and Practice. Eugene, OR: Cascade 2016. pp. 170-187, here: 173?
without giving sources for the "tradition" is just nonsense.
The Divine Book is al-kitāb, not al-muṣḥaf and
Muslims do not see al-qurʾān as a "communication process".
That she sees it that way, is one thing,
to claim that "Islamic tradition" sees it with her eyes is a delusion.

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A.A.Brockett --- Warš

40 years ago Adrian Alan Brockett submitted his Ph.D. to the Uni­versi­ty of St.Andrews: Studies in Two Trans­missions of the Qurʾān . Now...