Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Just as there is not ONE King Fu'ad Edition but seven different ones,
as there is not THE Muṣṭafā Naẓīf Qadir­ġalī muṣḥaf, but two written by him (plus one re-arranged)
as there is not THE Šamarlī but four very different ones,
BTW: when the KFC calls their editions (of Ḥafṣ and of Dūrī) on 522 pages "Šamarlī" it shows that they are igorant: 50 years before the Egyptian publi­sher produced a muṣḥaf with the famous 15-line-on522-pages lay­out, Muṣṭafā Naẓīf Qadirġaī had written one in Istan­bul, and Šamarli had others formats
AND there is not ONE Muḥammad Saʿd Ibrāhīm al-Ḥaddād edition
as there is not THE Madina al-Nabawiyya Edition, but ten,
as there is not THE Madina ʿUṯmān Ṭaha edition of Ḥafṣ but almost fifty
  three if one looks at sub­stantial dif­ferences (not at colour, size, decora­tion etc.),
there are many different Kazan editions: first the St.Petersburg with 13 lines:
hundred years later in Kazan, with 13 lines too, but very different:
The first Kazan edition, 1803, had only nine lines:

Some pages from the 1809 print held by the Austrian National Library:
one with 15 lines with pagina­tion top middle:
one of 1286/1852 with 17 lines, pagination top at the edges:
one of 1307/1890 with 13 lines:
Not only the layout changes, but the font as well:
1857 there were more stapeled forms than 1907
which shows that the KFE with its reduced set of forms
(its base line emphasis, and clear con­nection between letter and vowel sign)
was not extra-ordinary, but a child of the Zeit­geist.
While first the type cutters wanted to come as close as possible to hand writing,
they wanted to make the text as clear and read­able as pos­sible (once type set maṣāḥif were accepted). And there a new ones:
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Just as there is not ONE King Fu'ad Edition but seven different ones, as there is not THE Muṣṭafā Naẓīf Qadir­ġalī muṣḥaf , but two wri...