Tuesday, 1 October 2024


UT1 was without the mistakes (corrected in PhotoShop), plus the dagger under hanza in 2:72, without the small sīn in 88:22, and with the taʾrīf ʿUṯmān Ṭaha had copied for them.
from the 1414 print
In 1420 they insert half a sentence
Instead of claiming to follow always Abū Daʾūd as al-Ḥusainī al-Ḥaddād had done, they said: we follow him most of the time, some­times his teacher ad-Dānī, and sometimes "other experts." So, after having scrutinize the text and found out that the claim (always Abū Daʾūd Sulaimān Ibn Naǧāḥ) was wrong, they did not adapt the text to Abū Daʾūd's Muḫtaṣar at-Tabyīn li-Haǧāʾ at-Tan­zīl, but changed the taʿrīf.

One of the changes between UT1 and UT2 occurs in 2:72.
While UT0 has just a hamza, UT1 has a dagger under the hamza, UT2 an alif-hamza.
(top: UT0, last two UT2, in between 1404 to 1417: no change: UT1 is stable).

After the King Fahd Complex had printed millions of UT1 they invited ʿUṯmān Ṭaha to Madina to write for them a Warsh muṣḥaf, then an improved Ḥafṣ ‒ and later Qālūn, an other Warsh (this tome on 604 pages), ad-Dūrī and Šuʿba.
The new script is a bit more cursive, bigger (i.e. there is less empty space between lines) and has less letter variants. On the image below middle-hāʾ has three forms on the left, only one on the right, rāʾ (and zai) have two forms on the left, one on the right, tāʾ can have the two dots verticaly on the left, not on the right, and the two forms of final mīm are equally dis­tributed on the left, while on the right the short stroke to the left predominates.
On the page bellow, the page layout differs (with two more verses on the left), but, if I am not mis­taken, that occurs only in the last ǧuz: all in all minor changes.

The change from UT2 to UT3 brought:
headlines (sura titel boxes) never come at the bottom of a page,
rather as the head of the next;
end-of-aya-numbers never come at the beginning of a line
rather at the end of the line before;
taʿrīf and Index of Suras are bigger, take more pages.

And there is a dif­ference that is con­nected to one of MY observa­tions that is missed by most "ex­perts".
I say: Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī ibn Ḫalaf al-Ḥusainī al-Mālikī aṣ-Ṣaʿīdī al-Ḥaddād (1282/1865‒1357/ 22.1.1939) adopted many Anda­lusian/Maġ­ribī/Western things without mention­ing it in the post­script, which makes me think that he copied a Moroccon muṣḥaf.
One of the points: Ottoman Egypt, Persia, India and Nusantara have one kind of tanwīn (one an, one un, one in), but indepen­dant Egypt has three just as Morocco, but there is a problem. Ottomans did not know how sequential fathatan is written.
When one com­pares the Warš muṣḥaf and the early Ḥafṣ maṣā­ḥif by UT the sequential fathatan are different.

Because UT is not only a good scribe but also a good ob­server:
he noticed that the second fatha (the left one) is above the first in Morroco, but below in the KFE ‒ I assume that the type setter just used kasratans lifted up.

A couple of years ago Madina noticed the mis­take and asked UT to correct it, which is done in UT3:
Once alerted to this: the old fathatan (light blue background) looks wrong, the two fathas do not follow the natural way of writing from right to left.
‒ ­

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