Saturday, 20 November 2021

aš-šaiḫ al-maqāriʾ

Just as the KFE of 1924 was prepared by the šaiḫ al-maqāriʾ, the New KFE of 1952 was pre­pared by the chief reader of Egypt. But because it was a genera­tion later, it is not al-Ḥusainī al-Ḥaddād al-Mālikī (d. 22.1. 1939) anymore, but ʿAlī Muḥammad aḍ-Ḍabbāʿ(1304/1886-1380/1960).
Unlike before 1924, when al-Ḥaddād was the only ʿālim who signed the explanations after the qurʾānic text (which means that there wasn't really a committee: the other three stood just for the involve­ment of the Ministry of Educa­tion; they didn't know enough of the Qurʾān to help al-Ḥusainī al-Ḥaddād al-Mālikī), aḍ-Ḍabbāʿ was assisted by ʿulamā'; it was not an Azhār-committee, but one of Azhari­tes, created by the Govern­ment Press adviced by the šaiḫ al-Azhar.
They ordered only three changes in the rasm, one gra­phical nicety,
114 changes in the sura title boxes, forty or so changes at the end of suras with un­voyelled con­sonants (mostly tanwin) and the beginning of the next (with is now the basmala ‒ unlike 1924 when the first word of the next sura was assumed to follow directly the last one of the pre­ceding sura),
and about 800 changed pauses.

1952 (left) like 1924 (right):

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