Wednesday, 13 November 2019

never trust a reprint

never trust a reprint ... you did not "improve" yourself!
Köҫök Hafiz Osman = Haǧǧ Ḥāfiẓ ʿUṯmān Ḫalīfa Qayiš­Zāde an-Nūrī al-Bur­durī (Hac Hattat Kayışzade Hafis Osman Nûri Efendi Burdur­lu, d. 4.Ramaḍān 1311/ 11.March 1894) wrote 106 1/2 maṣāḥif.
BülÜk Hafiz Osman (1052/1642‒1110/1698) wrote only 25 (but many En’am-ı Şerif, and hilye­ler) One on 815 pages (plus prayer, index, colophon) was often reprinted in Syria ‒ in Egypt mostly as re­feren­ce in lengthy commen­taries.
In Turkey one finds hun­dreds of different "reprints".
They never give a true picture of the original.

On the left you see a Syrian print (HO the Elder, twelve lines per pages, 815 pages) from before 1950 with many signs that are later missing:
small hā' and yā' for five and ten (fif­teen, twenty and so on)
small two letter signs always including bā' giving information about Baṣrī verse numbe­ring
small dotless letters under or above a dotless letter stressing its dotlessnes.

In the middle (HO the Younger) I have highlighted two places:
the first was changed by the modern Turkish editors (see the page on the right), because the letters and signs do not follow right-to-left clearly enough.
the second one (modern edition) show a different rasm ‒
a rasm by the way used by the same calli­grapher in the other (the "Syrian") muṣ­ḥaf:

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